This video shows are example of the process including the messages the passenger would receive and the flow through the airport.
Airports are full of congested places such as the security area or the flow of passengers to the gate. The issue being that the airport can’t control when passengers arrive at the airport and present at security. So if an airport typically processes 500 passengers per hour through security, if all 500 turn up at the same time it causes a backlog to build-up and queues to form. The same issues occur with the passenger flow to the gate, as they are all asked to proceed at the same time.
Our technology evenly distributes passengers, on arrival at the airport or once the flight is ready for boarding, into ‘virtual holding areas’. Holding areas can be within the terminal build, outside the terminal building or even the passengers own car! Let’s take a scenario of an airport with modest 500 passengers being processed through security per hour. All 500 passengers arrive at the airport at the same time which would typically cause a big logistical and ‘social distance’ problems. Using our technology each passenger is automatically assigned and evenly distributed into a ‘holding area’. So in this example we have three holding areas, the 500 would be segmented into smaller 160 groups. The passengers are then invited to security in a controlled manner, based on the departure time of their flight. We have a steady flow from holding area to the security area. In addition, and to further aid social distancing, the passenger is directed to the shortest (least densely populated) security lane.