BizTweet is proud to have partnered with ACI to sponsor its first ever ASQ Customer Excellence Global Summit. The event, due to take place on the 12th – 13th September 2018, will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
BizTweet will be helping with this year’s themes – Customer Excellence and Delivering the Best Experience, which aligns with both ACI and BizTweet’s core values.
What Is ASQ?
ASQ, or Airport Service Quality, is a global benchmarking programme introduced by the Airports Council International (ACI). It’s designed to measure the satisfaction of passenger’s as they travel through the airport.
The programme provides airports with management information, as well as research tools, to better understand their passenger’s views. They also run ASQ Forums, which bring airports and ACI/ASQ members together. They’re hosted regionally, ensuring every airport can take part, regardless of where they are based.
Airports that do participate in the ASQ programme, also gain access to these Forums, free of charge. It’s a great way to network and share best practices within the ASQ community.
Delivering The Best Experience – A Core Value BizTweet Can Get Behind
It’s a perfect match for BizTweet to partner with ACI on their first Customer Excellence Global Summit. The themes “Delivering the Best Experience” and “Customer Excellence” accurately represents our own core values.
We believe that by delivering the very best experience to passengers, airports can not only boost their reputation, but their profits too.
The summit will explore topics such as which tools airports are using to monitor and drive customer experience initiatives. It will also reveal the return on experience and what business model should be used to enhance customer experience through case studies, discussion and expert views.
If your airport hasn’t signed up to this exclusive event, now is the time to do so.