We don’t often make blog posts about our own achievements, but we are very proud of this news.
August 2018 was a phenomenal month for BizTweet, and another landmark in the constant evolution of real-time passenger communications in airports. During the month of August, BizTweet was responsible for 43.52% of ALL airport communication via Twitter worldwide. When you account for all the platforms we service—namely Twitter, Facebook and WeChat—we are now tracking and sending over 2M messages in 41 different languages per annum.
With new airport clients on-boarding in many regions this figure is expected to rise exponentially.
Why real-time passenger communications?
The content of the messages ranges from customised passenger notifications to flight updates and commercial offers. Passenger expectation is constantly evolving, and one of the biggest expectations is to be kept updated and informed via mobile device while passing through airports. This is particularly true of international passengers.
Real-time, automated communications provide a way for airports to communicate with passengers in a personal manner, at scale. This allows you to simultaneously increase satisfaction and generate new revenue opportunities. Let’s take a look at a common example.
Imagine a day of adverse weather at your airport. Anxiety is up and passengers feel insecure. Maybe their flight will be delayed, the gate changed or even worse, cancelled altogether. But how will they know?
Traditionally, they would hover around the departure board and information kiosk, fishing for clues and updates. Of course, everyone else does the same and you end up with crowding, uncomfortable passengers and stressed out staff. Inevitably, mistakes will be made, passengers will miss flights and the complaints come rolling in.
Now there’s another way. Passengers simply sign up for automatic updates to their mobile device via Twitter, Facebook or WeChat. The airport can send only the updates relevant to that passenger so if the flight is delayed, or the gate changes the passenger will be notified directly. Instantly anxiety goes down and satisfaction goes up.
Now imagine that same passenger—the one that’s already happy to be sitting in their favourite cafe, not crowded around the departure boards—has a couple of hours to kill before the flight.
They’re happy with the service they are getting, but maybe they are a little board. You can now send them customised, promotional messages with offers for shops and restaurants around them. Not only do you increase happiness, but you can also drive non-aeronautical revenue up too.
This is just one example, but there are many applications of our technology. To learn more, click here to look at our features.